안녕 安 寧
안녕 = 安寧 = peace
I’m 완쌤 (Wann saem). 쌤 is short for 선생님 (teacher) and casual so use it with care.
I started learning Korean in 2001, began teaching in 2003, and founded HANOK in 2010.
HANOK successfully transitioned online during the pandemic in 2020. In 2022, I unintentionally gave myself a sabbatical.
Now, in 2025, I’m here to start a new chapter.
The following are my captured past chapters. I find them amusing because the “old me” sometimes feel like another person.
But, my goal then and now is the same: to make learning Korean fun and effective, while helping you gain confidence to explore new opportunities through learning.
2017 April 26
Educational organisation Smarter Me filmed this in their founding years. Now they are a STEM-focus school
2020 April 4
Local TV news filmed HANOK on the first day we turned fully online as part of a story about adjustment during the pandemic.
2008 May
My broke student life in Seoul was featured in a national TV docu-series about overseas Singaporeans. This clip shows my rented place in 해방촌.
Not-so-fun story: A few months after this shoot, I had to leave this beloved house, where I was the main tenant, because of my Korean sub-tenant.