백의민족 (白衣民族)
Listen and Learn #2
Content Background Information.
Listening Comprehension - Listen without watching.
Vocabulary - Understand and memorize as many vocabulary as possible.
Fill in the blanks, without looking at the screen. Repeat and try not to refer to the vocabulary list in early attempst.
Korean script - Check your answers, read and understand the Korean script, then check with the English script.
Background (and random information.)
One in three cars in Korea is white. When I picked up my rental, the parking lot was a sea of white cars. Curious, I asked my Korean friend why, and she casually replied, “White cars are easier to resell—no one wants a colored one.”
Then, she joked, “Because we are 백의민족 (the people of white clothing)!”
This got me curious about Koreans being called white clothing people since they wear a lot of black jackets, even during weekends. Or subconsciously they strive to be the tall dark handsome 白马王子.
Korean | English Meaning |
-을/를 통해 | through; by means of |
-이라는 것 | the thing called ~ |
3세기 | 3rd century |
가공 | process |
경우 | case; instance; situation |
구경하다 | to watch; to observe |
굳이 | is there a need to ~ |
그대로 | as it is; |
근본 | fundamental |
기록 | record; documentation |
기록화 | historical painting; recorded narrative |
꾸며지다 | to be decorated; to be adorned |
누에고치의 명주실 | silk thread from a silkworm cocoon |
다듬질하다 | to refine; |
단순하다 | to be simple |
단순히 | simply; merely |
당시 | at that time |
대부분 | majority |
뜻하다 | to mean |
모시 | ramie fabric |
목화섬의 무명실 | cotton thread from the cotton plant |
민족 | nation; ethnic group |
백성 | commoners |
변질된 색 | altered color |
복식 | clothing style |
본연 | original |
부여 | Buyeo (ancient Korean state) |
삼베 | hemp fabric |
선비 | scholar (Confucian gentleman) |
선조들 | ancestors |
소색 | natural undyed color |
손질하다 | to trim; to refine |
실제 | actual; real |
앵커 | anchor (news anchor) |
에 대해서 | about; regarding |
에 의하면 | according to |
여학생 | female student |
염료 | coloring agent |
염색 | dyeing; coloring |
예전 | the past; old times |
오히려 | rather; instead |
옷색깔 | clothing color |
유물 | artifact; relic |
의미 | meaning |
일부 | some; a part of |
입증하다. | to prove; to demonstrate |
자연의 색 | color of nature |
장터거리 | market street |
재현하다 | to reproduce; to reenact |
전하다 | to convey |
정갈하다 | to be neat; to be tidy |
주로 | mainly; primarily |
주장 | assertion; claim |
즐겨 입었다 | wore frequently; enjoyed wearing |
최초 | first; earliest |
탈색 | bleaching; decolorization |
토대로 | based on; on the foundation of |
한자리 | in one place; altogether |
Cars Are Becoming Less Colorful
While preparing this, I looked up on white cars’ popularity. In Singapore, white cars are popular but not in the majority like in Korea. There is a growing white car trend worldwide too. The internet offer various reasons like white cars get less hot in the summer, lower accident rates or the car-makers market them more due to its lower manufacturing costs.